のユーザー・レビュー 最初の印刷が遅い




The only thing that I don’t like so far is the time it takes to start printing the
first page. Apparently every time that the printer is powered on, it goes to the
head cleaning cycle and it takes almost 5 minutes to complete. In addition
to the long wait, I suspect that it also wastes a large amount of ink in the
process. I wish there was a way to shorten the time or do it only on demand.



時間を短くしたり、オンデマンド(on demand)だけで行う方法があったと思います。




My first print to start the day is over 2minutes 30 seconds to
get the very first print, I guess the printer has to do its set up
procedures first since it hasnt been used for a while then after
that printing is usually start printing around 20 seconds and
finishes a single black and white print page around 29 seconds.

